On Saturday 30th of November, we will be holding our Christmas Breakup Dinner for our members. All members are invited to celebrate the end of the year for our club. Please RSVP via facebook or at the club rooms.
After the Christmas break, training will recommence on the 2nd February. Please check facebook for updates and any changes. We look forward to a successful year of training for you and your dog.
On the 1st December, we will be celebrating our final day of training with a Christmas themed fun day. We will have lots of themed activities for you and your dog to try. We will finish the morning with a BBQ lunch and presentations. Please note there are no regular classes on the day. If you have any questions, please contact the club.
All financial members receive the following benefits:
Our membership cycle begins in MAY.
All returning members pay an annual fee based on their relevant membership category. This includes a $15 training fee.
There is no joining fee for Renewals.
Total Renewal Fees
On the 25th August, we celebrated the graduation of our new instructors at a morning tea held after classes. New instructors were presented with a certificate, badge and whistle. Our new instructors are enthusiastic and will bring a wealth of knowledge to our team of instructors.
Warragul Dog Club has reinstated its end of year Recognition of Achievement for members who have gained successes with titles and awards in dog sport and conformation disciplines.
Members will need to submit a request for the club achievement sashes. These will be presented at the club’s end of year event on the last class day of the year.
Submit your request to the club before the October 1st.
Download the Recognition of Achievement Form here.
Check all details and spelling are correct.
Email completed form to the club: enquiries@warraguldogclub.org.au
Liddy and Pete achieved great success at the Rally State Championships coming away with multiple first places.
Trish and Holly achieved an Excellent Exterior pass at the Border Collie Club SW Trial.
Mary and Trilli achieved an Excellent Exterior pass at an Canberra SW Trial.
Colin and Buddy attended the Labrador Club SW Trial gaining a second place in Novice Containers.
Helen and Sunny achieved 4 passes and 3rd place in Novice Interiors at the Frankston Dog Club Scent Work Trial.
Belinda and Archie retired from the Rally/Obedience ring with 2 1st place runs at the Rottweiler club trial.
Mirella and Lucy obtained 2 passes and a 3rd place in Novice Vehicles and Containers at Frankston Dog Club SW Trial.
Belinda and Archie gained their 10th pass for their Rally Champion title at Dogs Vic Trailer Trial.
Robyn and Sammy obtained their Advanced Rally Title at Dogs Vic Trail.
Member results from our June Scent Work Trial held at Lang Lang.
Member results at Warrnambool SW trial
Member results from our October Triple Rally Trial held on our grounds
We are very proud of our long-standing Conformation Show tradition.
Warragul Dog Club has hosted Conformation Shows for nearly 55 years and held a Labour Day all-breeds Championship Show at Darnum for nearly 25 years.
Our Labour Day event includes two shows: an AM and a PM Schedule.
Our Resources Page is Under Construction. It will have links to dog behaviour infographics and selected external websites.
In the unlikely event of a dog ‘incident’, WDKOC Inc follows clear reporting, resolution and recommendation processes.
The Warragul Dog Club is a registered club association under the official name of Warragul & District Kennel & Obedience Club Inc (WDKOC).
As such it is guided by:
1. A set of Association Rules compliant with the Government of Victoria’s requirements and
2. A set of By-Laws to specifically meet the Club’s needs and its expectations of members.
Links to these documents are provided below for the sole use of WDKOC Committee Members and any interested Club members as a reference source to guide Club decision making and processes.
This information is not intended for general circulation beyond this Club and anyone accessing these documents through these links or elsewhere are not to resend them or use them in whole or part for any other purpose than the support and betterment of this Club and as a guide to appropriate activities within the Club.
We hold a selection of dog handling equipment such as:
Brands we stock and order include Black Dog and Baskerville. Ask at our clubrooms if you want more information.
We have our logo on file at Phoenix Screenprinting, 14 Phoenix Street, Warragul. They have a large clothing catalogue to select from if you’d like clothing with a machine sewn club logo.
Warragul Dog Club is a volunteer organisation providing dog training and obedience classes for the Warragul and West Gippsland communities and an annual conformation show day on Labor Day.
Club activities are held in Baw Baw Shire on the lands of the Gunai Kurnai People.
New members are always welcome.